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CV, publications, magazine features and published projects

During 2005, Natalia was the subject of a short film made by BBC TV for their series "Video Diaries".
The film forms part of the BBC archive for the 21st century.

I am a textile artist based in the UK but I was born in Portugal. I came to the UK aged 13 and was educated in both Portugal and England.

In England I attended Aylestone School and Harrow College and School of Art in London. I also studied Philosophy and completed an Arts Foundation Course with the Open University whilst working for British Airways, Cathay Pacific and Emirates Airlines .

Art and Textiles were always my passion, and after being taught traditional embroidery by a Portuguese Master at the age of 10 I couldn’t stop. In 1988 I made the life changing decision to give to give up my well paid job (and free travel) to become a professional textile artist. Its been a long journey but so rewarding and fulfilling.
I prefer to work on my own and over the years I have continued to teach myself and explore new techniques and ideas.

My inspiration comes from nature, music space travel and most of all from Colour.
I can’t imagine a world without colour

I enjoy working on commissions and I have completed many for both private and corporate clients.

My work has won many awards both in the UK, USA and France.

I have also exhibited my work both solo and in juried group exhibitions in the UK, USA, Brazil Portugal, Spain, France and Dubai.
I held my first solo exhibition in 1991 at the Henley on Thames Exhibition Centre in the Uk . I have continued to exhibit my work regularly and these are some of my exhibitions:

Solo Exhibition at The European Commission in London in 2008 with the support of the European Union and the Portuguese Government.

Solo Exhibition at The Festival of Quilts UK 2005
Oxford Artweeks in 1993/1994
The Henley Festival of Music and Art 2007
Henley Arts Trail in 2018 and 2019 Sonning England
Grosvenor Quilt shows Solo exhibition 2013. The exhibition was shown at various locations throughout the UK.
Sintra Portugal 1999 with Arte Ideias magazine

Juried and invited group exhibitions include:

Let’s Colour The World 2016 São Paulo Brazil
Brasil Comtenporaneo 2017 in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brazilia and Curitiba
American Quilters Society 2003 and 2004
International Quilt Show Houston 2000 and 2004
International Quilt Show Barcelona special exhibit 2003
World Quilt Show 2015/16/17 where my work was selected to represent the UK.
The shows toured the USA including Manchester New Hampshire, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Palm Springs California, and Orlando Florida.

During 2022 and early 2023 a selection of some of my works toured the UK with Grosvenor Shows.

My work has been featured in many textile Art books and I also enjoy writing articles and creating projects for various British and Portuguese publications.
Occasionally I also lecture and teach workshops on textile art design and techniques.

I am happiest working in my studio surrounded by boxes of fabric, threads and paints. My work is colourful .
The world is full of sorrows and I have made many artworks about subjects that pain me (war, refugees, terrorism and death) but I prefer to create joyful images that celebrate the beauty of our world.

Further works are on the Saatchi gallery website, click here to view them all: Saatchi gallery

Her works have been featured in all of the magazines below: